How to sell your home for top dollar?

How to sell your home for top dollar

Let’s talk about how to sell your home fast and for top dollar in Edmonton, Alberta. Now a lot of people have this concept in their mind that if I price my, house higher, all I gotta do is just wait it out a little bit longer and I’ll get the most money for my house now, in my opinion, that’s like finding a needle in the haystack. What are the chances of somebody walking into your house and wasn’t you know what I’m okay with spending another 100,000 or $200,000 because they’re asking for it?

Because especially if there are other comparables, they’re most likely going to leverage your house to buy something else for much cheaper. My recommendation would be to interview at least two or three different real estate agents and pick the best one that kind of resonates with you better not be scared to tell you the true value of your home. Some people won’t want to tell you what you want to hear but not realistically, what is hard to tell is the truth sometimes, right?

So make sure you do that. Another thing you want to do is you want to make sure you hired an agent that has the potential to reach the most number of people doesn’t matter if the buyers are in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver or Toronto, or somewhere outside Canada, you want to make sure you have an agent that has the social media skills or the marketing skills that don’t just put your house on a newspaper because the newspaper might have worked in 1992 but in 2020 not always is the best option.

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